Nervous System Regulation: A Brief Guide for Beginners

Nervous system regulation -- You might be hearing this fancy-sounding term in wellness spaces a lot.  But what is it, really?  We’re going to break it down to the basics.

Picture your nervous system as a complex network of nerves, like an antenna, constantly scanning for signals of safety and danger in various aspects of our lives – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic, financial, social - all the ways where we might perceive danger.

When our nervous system notices a threat, whether real or perceived, it triggers a response. This could manifest as the familiar fight, flight, freeze, or even friend mode. However, sometimes our nervous system's threat detection system isn't entirely accurate. It may misinterpret certain situations as unsafe, leading us into a state of hyperarousal where we're constantly on edge, pushing ourselves to the limit (think overdoing, overachieving, going non-stop), eventually leading to burnout. Conversely, it might also plunge us into hypoarousal (like anxiety, procrastination, or imposter syndrome), where we shut down emotionally and physically.

Where to start when you’re new to the concept of nervous system regulation?  

The first step is awareness. Recognize when your body is signaling discomfort or dysfunction. It could be like a persistent feeling of being out of sync with your environment, even though “that’s how things have always been” due to external conditioning such as societal, cultural, or family expectations and upbringing. Your body is trying to communicate with you, offering clues that something isn't quite right.

So if you’re brand new to this work, creating this awareness is the starting point; it’s about acknowledging that your nervous system plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being. Simply recognizing that your nervous system requires attention and care is a significant stride towards self-awareness and nervous system regulation.

✨ And of course, if you’re ready to dive deeper on the mechanics of nervous system regulation, come into our 12-week Flow Breathwork Facilitator certification. Peep the syllabus and then schedule a call with one of our Flow Breathwork Mentors to learn more about enrolling.


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